Greenbriar Appraisal Company, 10026 Doliver, Houston, TX 77042

(281) 556-6668

Greenbriar appraisal

A full-service real estate evaluation & consulting appraisal services

Scott Young

Summary of Qualifications


Graduated from Baylor University, Waco, Texas in 1990.  Received a Bachelor of Business Administration in the field of Marketing.

Graduated from Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1995.  Received an Associate Degree in Aeronautics.


Scott A. Young is a real estate appraiser, consultant, and analyst who has been active in many  forms of real estate appraisals since 2002.  He has been an independent fee appraiser responsible for appraisals of commercial properties throughout Texas for clients including various savings and loans, mortgage companies, banks, insurance companies, corporations, and individuals.  


Texas State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #TX-1335470-G